All available tools

Random word generator

This generator allows you to generate a random word, chosen randomly from thousands of words. Ideal for many games whose only prerequisite is to have a word - randomly chosen - as a starting point.

Random letter generator

This generator allows you to generate a random letter of the alphabet. Convenient for playing games !

Random Fruit/Vegetable Generator

This fruit/vegetable generator is a simple and fun tool that randomly generates a fruit or vegetable based on your request. Whether you're looking for recipe inspiration, an educational game, or just for fun, this tool has you covered. Be surprised by the variety of suggestions. Try it and discover fruits and vegetables you may have never encountered before!

Random name generator

This generator allows you to generate a first name (male/boy, female/girl, or both) randomly, chosen at random from thousands of first names given in France. Find inspiration for a baby name or for your games.

Team name generator

Generate one or more team names using this generator. Find inspiration for your clan name and get a head start on other teams !

Chart generator

Easily generate chart (pie chart, diagram bar, ...) : customize it and export it as an image !

Text variant generator

Easily generate multiple variants of a text with this tool. Very handy for quickly having various similar versions of your original text.

Password generator

It is important to have a complex password in order to avoid being hacked by a malicious person. In other words, you must forget passwords such as "123456" or "qwerty". Therefore, we invite you to generate your password with our tool. You can configure the generated password according to your desires (with digits, lowercase, special characters, ...).

Crossword puzzle generator

This crossword generator allows you to easily generate a customized grid with your words and definitions.

Virtual dice roller - Random dice generator

This dice roller randomly generates 1 to 100 dices on each roll. Ideal for your board games and role-playing games !

Text analyzer

This tool can analyze different features of a text: word count, the most used words, synonyms proposal, etc.

Speed calculator

This tool calculates the speed based on the distance and time you have indicated. Ideal to know the average speed during a running race, a bike race, etc.

Adjust recipe ingredient quantities

This intuitive tool is designed to facilitate scaling ingredients in your recipes, whether you want to increase or decrease the number of servings. This tool allows you to quickly and accurately adjust the quantities of necessary ingredients, ensuring a perfect result every time.

BMI Calculator (Body Mass Index)

This tool calculates BMI (Body Mass Index, also called Quetelet Index) from a person's body mass (weight) and height. This index makes it possible to estimate a person's corpulence (thinness, normal weight, overweight, obesity).

Date difference calculator

This tool calculates the difference between two dates (difference in seconds, minutes, hours, days).

Get my IP address

Get your IP address and other informations related to this address.

Check website status

This tool informs you about the availability of a website. Convenient to check if a site is experiencing availability problems or if it is your connection.

Group/team generator (random or weighted)

Are you trying to share participants into groups ? Your headaches are over ! This tool enables you to randomly generate teams or make a weighted repartition according to the level of the participants.

JSON formatter

A badly formatted or poorly indented JSON, is an unreadable JSON. Make it clean and beautiful with this tool.

XML formatter

A badly formatted or poorly indented XML, is an unreadable XML. Make it clean and beautiful with this tool.

XML validator

Check the conformance of the XML file by checking the definition of its schema (XSD files).

Search for synonyms

Find a list of synonyms for the word (name, adverb, verb, adjective, ...) of your choice.

Random number generator

Need to randomly draw a number between two intervals ? This tool is for you!

Random draw from a list

If you need to make a draw to determine one or more winners from a list of participants, this tool is your best ally.

Random adjectif generator

Generate one or more adjectives randomly.

Random animal generator

Need to randomly draw an animal (for a game, to look for a totem animal, ...) ? This tool randomly suggests an animal among more than 200 animals!